What is the eco-friendly hanger

What is the eco-friendly hanger

'Eco' comes from the Latin root "oeco", meaning "family". It is now often used to mean'habitat", 'home', or 'earth'. So, "eco-friendly" simply means friendly to the planet. 


Eco-friendly, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, means"designed with little or no impact on the environment",


Basically, it's all abour doing no harm. Eco-friendly products, activities and services do not cost the planet. Especially when thinking about products, this means everything from how a product is made to how it is delivered. Does this process harm the planet? If so, it's not exactly green.


A cardboard hanger is an eco-friendly hanger. A cardboard hanger is an innovative design that helps reduce waste stores and fashion events because it is environmentally frieldy and easy to recycle and break down.

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